melanie wallace


BS Art University of Wisconsin-Madison : May 1991

MFA Art University of Wisconsin-Madison : May 2014


University of Wisconsin-Whitewater : lecturer

2018-present : web design, illustrator

University of Wisconsin–Madison : lecturer

2014 - 2017 : interactive media teaching assistant : 2012-2013 : DesignLab consultant, art department TA

Self-employed : freelance designer

1996 – present provide full design and production services for print and web. clients include Hilton Grand Vacations Club, UW Health, LifePoint Health, Trek, Rainbow Hospice,

Rowe Pottery Works : art director

2002 – 2005 sole in-house designer of catalogs, product packaging, corporate id; product photographer; web designer

Anson-Stoner : art director

1995 - 1997

Neo Geo : graphic designer

1991 - 1994


2018 silver ADDY :

Elements of Advertising - Digital Creative Technology - Interface & Navigation :


mfa thesis : Enabling a Global Audience to Share Experiences through Multimedia


photoshop, illustrator, indesign, dreamweaver, premiere, animation, photography, illustration

dabbled in php, javascript, processing, 3-d, ibook, app developement


aaf : american advertising federation : madison

aiga : American Institute of Graphic Arts

aauw : American Association of University Women

wbe : Women's Business Enterprise