They are many ways to develop a character. Try the method described in the reading above. Click here to download a worksheet in pdf or indesign formats.
choose one of three basic shapes to define your character: circle one :
- rectangle
- circle
- triangle
Pair your chosen shape with one of three basic objects circle one :
- Animal
- Mineral
- Plant
- Vehicle
List 5-10 key words for each of the following design concepts.
Your key words should be adjectives, not nouns. Include key words that are in opposition to your main theme.
- emotion
- color
- shape
- texture
- line
- speed
- size
- opposing concept
Write a high concept for your character:
For example:
Bijou is a one-of-a-kind,
catlike creature whose lines,
shapes and colors immediately evoke a feeling of extreme,
erratic, sharp tension.
Bijou is moody, petite,
unpredictable and always alone. Bijou likes to hide and
creep up on others.
Place your concept in the center box. For each of the categories below, list 3-5 nouns that reflect the character concept’s emotions. Some of these nouns will become visual metaphors for your character.
- flora
- fauna
- historic reference
- people
- concept
- places
- cultures
- archiecture
- clothing
Combine 5 adjectives from your key words with 5 nouns from your mind map.
sketch :
sketch 10-15 images
For each of these combinations, sketch 2-3 images. If you’re not sure how to draw something, google images for a reference. These are quick sketches and can be small.
sketch 5-6 characters
- Combine some of the 15 images, your shape, and your basic object to create possible characters.
- Start with some research : Do you need a reference image? should you consider bone structure? At what angle to you want to draw your character? Straight on? Profile? Back?
sketch a more detailed character
Pick your favorite and refine it. This is just a start–we will continue to refine your character throughout the unit.
illustrator :
Draw your character in illustrator. This is just the beginning of your character development. We will add face, color, depth and details later.
- create a new file in illustrator
- scan your final sketch and use as a template as you did for the contour exercise
- create layers to separate elements of your drawing, for example, background, texture and details.
- save your file as character.pdf
download a demo file.
Assignment 1 :
Turn in a file named conceptualizeYourName.pdf of your worksheet with the following :
- chosen shape
- chosen object
- key words
- high concept
- mind map
- combined adjectives and nouns
example : conceptualizemwallace
Assignment 2 :
Scan in all of your character sketches and turn in a pdf : characterYourName.pdf
example :