
Create an InDesign file that is 8.5×11. Format text as if you are presenting to a client. At minimum, create style sheets for title, sub-title, paragraph and bullet. This file and format will be used for all other studies in unit 3.

analyze & plan

Answer the following questions in your proposal:

  • What is the site title?
  • What is the purpose of the site?

What is your content strategy?

  • What content is available?
  • What content will be created and by whom?
  • Who will create new content?
  • How often will content change?

What formats of content will your site contain?

  • audio
  • video
  • photos
  • text

What types of content will your site contain?

  • legacy
  • custom
  • aggregated/partner
  • cocreated
  • licensed
  • ugc : user generated content
  • social media
  • legal

create, gather and revise

  • Gather all formats and types of content and present in the proposal.
  • Create a second version of content, reduced for mobile. Will you simplify your content and images for mobile?
  • Content is to be complete at this stage.