

  1. View progress as you go : every time you make a major change, see if it works.
  2. Save code that works : before you alter the code, save a version that works. If you mess it up, you have something to go back to.

when it’s not working

  1. Isolate the problem : can you safely delete sections to narrow down where the problem lies? If not, start with the most basic code, adding parts until you find something that doesn’t work.
  2. View source : did the new code you wrote make it to the page?
  3. Google it : ask your specific question. Chances are, someone else has had the same question.
  4. Go through the code really slowly looking for typos.
  5. Validate : w3’s Validator :
  6. Call free tech support.

specific problems

  1. Table Problems? Add a Border : outlining your table with lines can show you where rows and tables are messed up

  2. Images : are you able to view by their source code?
