font study
- Create a type and font study and present in the proposal.
- Show three display fonts in the name of your site.
- Choose the display font that works best with your title. Pair it with three possible text fonts, shown in three columns.
- Format your display and text fonts for readability. Consult with one other person in the class to see if they agree with compatibility of your fonts and readability.
- Using style sheets in InDesign, format your entire content on as many pages as needed. Create styles for each different type format. At minimum, you should have the equivalent of p, h1, caption.
- Adjust your styles to create two things:
-Vertical spacing and proximity that group the text logically.
-Headings that create hierarchy and allow the reader to scan. - Create a file, fonts.html in your unit2 folder with the following:
-Use the display and text font that you have chosen.
-Adjust text settings so that it is legible– adjust size, line-height, paragraph spacing, line length, etc.
color study
- Create a color study and present in the proposal.
- Show the colors that you have to include or match.
- Create a minimum of five possible color sets.
- Take the favorite of the five color sets and refine it, creating three main colors with one shade of each for a total of six colors. Convert colors to hex#.
- Create color.html. Add a color key to your page. Place all six colors on the page using some for backgrounds and some for type. Add at least one of your images. View in a browser and adjust as needed.
guide, motivate, engage
Answer the following questions in your proposal:
- What is the course you want them to take?
- How will you motivate them?
- How will you engage them?