The Internet

domain name :
The site address. For example, “”.

visitor :
The user who is viewing a website.

isp : internet service provider

  • Examples: charter, verizon, frontier, wi-fi
  • The ISP gives you access to the internet.

dns : domain name server
The dns takes the friendly domain name and finds it’s ip address.

ip : internet protocol
A numerical equivalent to the domain name. 

host : hosting server
Holds the website contents.

ftp : file transfer protocol
A standard network protocol used to transfer files to the host.

ftp access information:
ftp host:

ftp software:

  • dreamweaver, filezilla, cyberduck and many others.
  • You will work locally and ftp files to the host—make them live.
  • The local files mirror the remote files.


Connect to your remote storage

  • Open Dreamweaver
  • Go to SITE -> NEW SITE
  • Enter “Site Name: ” and select  a “Local Site Folder”. Your site will be built locally, and stored in this folder. Then you will ftp the files to the host.
  • Select SERVERS
  • Click the + to add a new ftp server
  • Use the following graphic as a guideline. Enter your name in place of mine.
  • Select TEST. You should get the message “Dreamweaver connected to your Web server successfully.” If not, recheck all your settings.
  • Select SAVE and SAVE again.

folder hierarchy :

We will use the following folder heirachy for this class. Please use “unit” folders to separate your work. Your assignments should be named more descriptively.


Your assignments will be submitted as a link: or


Create folders for unit1, unit2, unit3 and upload them to the host. Please name these folders as shown.


Discover the physical side of the internet