Create the following workflow elements and present in the proposal.
list elements
- header
- audio, video, photos, text
- features that motivate and engage
- navigation : how will you guide them?
- footer
Roughly sketch ideas to answer the following:
- how will the elements fit together?
- what do you want them to see first?
- what belongs on every page?
- what sort of hierachy can you create in delivering information?
- Include the following elements in your sketches:
audio, video, photos, text
features that motivate and engage
navigation : how will you guide them?
footer - How will this change for the mobile version?
create a flowchart
What path do you want to offer the user?
create a sitemap
How many pages are needed to contain all of the content and how will they link together?
Use your sketches to create blueprints of every frame. They should contain general content and navigation, but not color, graphics or detailed content. Create a mobile wireframe as well.