With this last unit, you are encouraged to do the following:
- You are expected to complete the tasks by the due date, but encouraged to move at a much faster pace. You will benefit by giving yourself more time to build your site.
- The outline of tasks represents a minimum. If you finish early, you are encouraged to code beyond your skills and try something new. If you have never implemented javascript, try it.
topic suggestions:
1. about uw madison
Pick a topic related to UW-Madison and inform the user about this topic. For example, historic buildings, cafeteria food items, door knobs, professors… anything. It can be serious or funny. Select at least 5 items of your topic to feature.
- images: take at least 5-10 photos of each item so you have options to choose from. After choosing final photos, find a way to give them unity in some way.
- text:
a: create a title
b: create a tagline that describes your site in 3-7 words.
c: write an intro paragraph with a minimum of 3 sentences to entice the user.
d: write a minimum of 3 sentences about each item. - Create a single page website that scrolls horizontally or vertically with links that jump from item to item, as shown in my example: walking uw.
- You may use my site code as a guide, but you must change columns, margins, nav, footer and overall design to be your own.
- When complete, save another version and convert to mobile, like this.
2. make a statement
Make a statement and provide 5-7 reasons why this is true. Ask the audience if they agree. It doesn’t have to something you believe. In fact, you may get a better response if you make an outrageous statement.
- Create a statement about the topic. Example : chocolate is the best flavor of ice cream because…
- Collect 5-10 facts and 500 words supporting your argument. For example:
Chocolate is the #1 seller in the us.
it tastes better than vanilla .
it’s more readily available.
etc… - Create a form for feedback and chart results. For example:
What is your favorite flavor?
What is your age?
What is your gender? - Imagery : Create images yourself by drawing them traditionally or digitally or shooting photography.
- Chart results in the form of data visualizations.
3. from print to web
Select a print project that you wrote and designed in a previous class. Create a website which carries the same visual identity. The project must have the following elements or additional content created to supplement it:
- 2500 words which will divide easily into separate web pages.
- A logo you created.
- Images: at least one image per page.
- The site must have a minimum of seven pages.
- In addition to the print content add the following:
Add one form of additional content:
And one type of content:
ugc : user generated content
social media
Or a data visualization
4. custom
Propose an idea of your own to me in great detail.
grading criteria
This project will be graded when the site is complete.
site plan
content 10
font study 15
color study 15
user experience5
workflow 10
design 40
usability testing 5
total : 100 pts
Have the following been accurately implemented with code? If different, is it an improvement?
content 5
font study 5
color study 5
user experience 5
workflow 5
design 30
usability testing 5
total : 60 pts
Are HTM5 structural tags, page titles and alt tags and in place? 15
Are secondary pages consistent with home page in layout, theme and colors? 15
Is navigation set apart from other elements and functional? Does it show a reader where they have been and where they are? 10
total : 40 pts
totaling 200 points divided by 2 for a final based on 1-100 scale.
Have all pages of the site been successfully adapted for mobile? 5 pts extra credit added to final grade for unit 3.
Additional points may be added for excellence in coding, illustration, or design.
Come to class on 11/17 with the following complete and designs ready for review:
font study/color study/user experience
Make final design revisions and code sites Nov. 17-Dec. 8.
TBD usability testing/final presentations/last day of class Dec. 8
Final revisions due 12/15 or earlier. 🙂