reading assignment (due next class) :
The Aesthetics of Game Art and Game Design by Chris SolarskiDrawing
Drawing Basics and Video Game Art by Chris Solarski p. 176-183
Discussion :
drawing :
Draw five circles, five triangles and five squares and vary three ways, as demonstrated in class :
- complete without picking up the pencil
- draw separate lines, if applicable
- sketch lightly, then use sketches as guide to finalize with darker lines
Illustrator :
There are three types of path you can create with Adobe Illustrator:
- straight
- curved
- closed
Each path contains anchor points, paths and control handles.
Straight paths can be made with the line tool or the pen tool. Curved and closed paths are made with the pen tool.
create at least two artboards; as you create content, rename them with descriptive names
on each page, use several variations of stroke and several times, use the shift key to control movement
- using the line tool, create 10 lines
- using the pen tool, create 10 jagged lines (only clicking). To stop the path, command click
- using the pen tool, create 10 curves (click-drag-click). Experiment with big and little curves, spirals,
- create 10 each: triangles, rectangles and circles. Fill some with white and create layers. Use the layers to overlap some of the shapes.
on one page, do the following:
- use the add anchor point tool to change three paths
- use the delete anchor point tool to change three paths
- use the anchor point tool to change three shapes.
save your file as
demo file: paths
assignment :
This assignment will challenge you to recreate an photographic image using only the Pen Tool. There will be several images to choose from at the bottom of this assignment page. For the assignment, convert the photographic image into a contour line illustration. Using only the Pen Tool, you will trace the photo. Consider how objects overlap and how you can use layers to your advantage. Pay attention to the detail present in the image you selected and trace as much of it as you can. Use only black line on white ground. Once the photo has been traced, you should explore changing line quality through brush profile and size.
- click on image bellow and get full-screen version before dragging to your desktop
- create a new file in illustrator
- place the image on the page; scale it to fit full page
- redraw the image
- save
To complete your work, hide your source image and then save as a pathName.pdf file for submission on canvas.